Thursday, March 02, 2006

Thursady 3/2/6

Weighed 252 this morning. back to the warrior diet starting to day.


Went to the 11:30 kettlebell class. steve is nuts. this is why he makes money as a trainer. i could never do this workout to myself. standard warmups, then 7- 30 second 2 kettlebell (16kgs) movements. 1 minute run, 30 second walk. repeat. then 10-30 second single kettlebell (16 kgs) movements. 2 minute cool down run. tough workout.


Went to BJJ at 6:30. Urso was there becasue he was injured, otherwise he would have already left for the Arnolds classic to fight the professional division. due to the small turnout and the injury he just ran an open mat. he commented that the instruction in BJJ in the US, is as good as in Brazil, the difference in quality is just due to how much people train. in Brazil, guys who want to be good train all of the time, in the US, they train some and expect to be good anyway. I worked with Eric S on his sweeps. we did the "tripod" sweep series from the half spider guard. taking the across the body or taking them back with the foot in the hip, a la, Jen P.

I left at 7:30 for judo. no Art,John D., or Ron. i ran the class. (Taku, Alma, Will D., Hiroki, Jim (brown), Joe C., Lee W., and 4 white belts, Will, Adam, Tom and a blue belt in bjjj form Joe diamonds club, Nick). We did clock chokes and then if they come up to resist it the Mickey Matsumoto roll. Everyones clock choke improved, and the upper ranks including Jim and Lee did surprisingly well with the MM roll. 4-5 minute sets of matwork. i did 2 with Will (white) and Nick. They did fine.

The colored belts did Uchikomi's and throws for the first half hour, Alma and I took the white belts through Seoi Nage and Osoto Gari. Finished with 4-6 minutes sets of Randori. I did two hiroki, who managed to take me down with a tani otoshi, i scored 4-5 times. i noticed he tends to crumble and accept the throw before he really has to sometimes. Lee was the other set, threw him 4 or 5 times. He did have a a few good Ouchi gari attacks, though.

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