Monday, September 20, 2010

Friday 9/17/2010

Open mat at the Weston 11:00AM
We had people running in late which threw off the sets, but it led to a coouple of repeat sets with the higher ranked guys Steve and Chris so it worked out OK. Chris admitted to some idiot that it wasn't a formal class so he kept doing Kettlebells near us while we were training and some other old idiot joined him, then the f*ers turned on the big overhead fan. I was pissed and ended up doing an extra set with Chris and stepped up some. He's right that we don't want to make too many waves and get the open mat banned but, i have always told people its a regular class and nothing has come of it. Whatever, the training was good. I did 2 with Steve, 2 with Chris and a set with Blue John and Craig so 36 minutes of training. The sets with Steve were good. He continues to show excellent technique and is a good training partner. He isn't going for the knee in the belly escape I capitalized on a few times anymore eliminating that cheap win, which is good. I caught him once after a sweep pass, but we ended the last set with him in a tight footlock. I held out until the buzzer went off, but I didn't escape. The lower body subs are still a definite danger as I am slow in the transition. I saw this one coming but was a beat late in my reaction.

The Chris sets were good. I mauled him some but, he had several good escapes and avoided the sub in one set. I hit the De La Riva entangled arm sweep even though he knew it was coming and fought his ass off to avoid it. always cool to do something to someone who knows it's coming and can't stop it.
Craig can't stop the butterfly sweep and once he's on the bottom he's toast, but, he power escapes from the bottom surprisingly well.
Blue John went over for a cheap sweep, He defends the pass well, but has a very chokable neck. Once I secure the mount he's doesn't defend/resist the choke well.
Good sweat and good way to spend an hour at work.

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