Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Sunday- 1/31/2010

Good class. Eric J. was back. He agreed to go for his Shodan. He knows what he needs to do, now just have to make sure he makes it. last class for Mark Eckenrode. I will really hate to see him leave. He has been a p[leasure to coach and would be a great fit with our club if he could have stayed around town. Hope he makes it back some time.
We did some Harai and we worked on stepping across their hips from Kenkai Yutso right on left gripping for an O Goshi. . I did Randori with Eric. He's tough to get down. I would have drawn penalties on him, but he's tough to throw.  I took Z for a set and got him down a couple of times but he is vey explosive  and throws hard. He will be good as he gets more experienced. Took Mark for the last set. threw him some and went over for a couple of ashi waza techniques.
 Marks last class with us. 1/31/2010
This is a picture took of my daughter going for her first throw ever. I like the BW/color effect.

Here is the throw funny how she is totally gone except for her feet.

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