Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Kettlebells - check. Alma asked my opinion of the class. I told her I liked most of it but don't like switching back and forth for the Turkish get up, and that I prefer a left sided set and then a right sided set.

BJJ - John asked if i wanted to teach anything so I did the double under pass and I showed how to use it as a submission when you stack them.I realized that i do it like I defend a triangle, and tap people from it the same way I tap them from my triangle defense. It went fine, though, I am concerned by how lightly attended the evening classes are. The weather is bad, but we are still pulling our numbers for Judo.

I trained with the usual suspects. Frank is training well, bbut not good when i have to take him as one of the tougher guys for me to have in the room.

Reasonable numbers for Judo. there has been a Greg sighting which is very good. He is bigger than before, but still leaks potential and he will get back to 100 kgs. 
No weigh in tonight, taking a mulligan from the superbowl feast.

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