BJJ class for Monday night. I made it for the second half of the first class. Urso worked on the bull pass. I did 2 sets of training. Once with Eric Silverman. I swept but Eric managed to sweep back and then kept me down for the rest of the set. moving through positions as I tried to escape. Final score was bad 12-2ish. Did a set with Tom, who was playing hard and forced me to turtle. I trap and rolled him and tapped him from the pin. As soon as he went over I could tell he would tap if I pressured the pin and wound it tight.
second class Urso continued with the bull pass. using it to pass several positions including the spider guard. Cup your hands under the calves of the uke and sit back to protect your baselever the ukes feet up, if he doesn't resist throw them over his head. If he does, switch to the bull pass.
Good sized Judo class. We did Soto Makikomi, the kneeling practice version then the big version on the crash pad. 4 sets of randori. I did 2. A hard set with Lee first. He is doing a good job screwing me up with the high collar grip, I need to fight that better. He hit a Ouchi Gari that was good, it was the only really good score. a set with white Scott. He is improving but still needs to change direction on his attack better.
Mat work we did some X-Guard sweeps. We covered #1, the get up and #4 the far sleeve. The class then did positional drills starting in the X-Guard and then playing. All in all they did pretty well.
Side note- Lee's black belt certificate finally came back from the USJA, so we were able to present it to him tonight.
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