Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 5, 2009 - Monday

Not in the mood for BJJ.

Good sized class Judo. I am getting irritated being stuffed in the back in the small room for the first half of class on Monday. It's quite difficult to run a class there with any decent amount of people. We did hani goshi and broke out the crash pad for Hani Makikomi, which was a big hit.

Did some solid randori. I am enjoying the randori but am frustrated by how much worse i am than I used to be. Good training with Lee and Eric s. among others. I am going to try to work more and more ashi waza to relieve the stress on my shoulder. some surprising sucess with Kouchi gari. I am coming close repeatedly with it, just have to work harder on the finish.

We covered the step over Juji Gatame. They struggled mightily early but were making some headway by the end.

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