Went to part of the first BJJ class. Feeling very out of tune with the BJJ program right now. Seems very stale to me. Very few interesting sets and when Zak runs the class he doesn't give me even the few sets I might enjoy. On a the plus side he managed to grind my ear. I knew as soon as he did it it would be a problem. fortunately it turned purple but had minimal swelling, so it didn't get much worse than it already was. The other sets were lame. skipped the second class.
Judo class was solid with respectable numbers. Did the harai switch combination. and then did randori. The first half of the class in the back/small room is grating on me. with our limited time for stand up. it pisses me off to have to be (over)stuffed into a room really too small for stand up.
The step over Juji practice went better. they are almost ready to move on and go to the juji turnover. We did ne waza in two lines with one line moving. Good group. Hopefully we can keep the numbers up.
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