Good class today, with a good group. We continued the study of Harai with the continuing focus being keeping the elbow down and fighting from a lapel grip. Throwing it from that grip as opposed to the high collar grip felt so good and right when i did it Thursday, I made myself theo it again several times. I probably threw 4-5. My should hurt, but not as bad or as long as on Thursday. Maybe the answer is to force the issue. Several good sets of randori. White Scott, who had a very good Uchi mata attack on me. It failed but it was a good attack and he continues to show excellent commitment to the attack. He is the next brown belt at this point. Good set with Lee also. He hit a a good Ouchi Gari, but zI threw a Soto Makikomi that felt good. finally randoried with Eric Johnson. Forgot that he was a good training partner. He fights left and fights hard. He is surprisingly safe to train with as well. Not too much happened but I got a good soto makikomi with him as well.
We talked about bringing a team to nationals this year to fight Masters. It's in Myrtle beach SC the first weekend in May.
On a terrible note, I spoke to Cyrus today. He was teaching some white belts Judo at Kurt Pellegrino's BJJ club. He was teaching the belt grip Sumi Gaeshi and let a white belt throw him. The guy dropped him on his head and his neck is broken at C6. Could have been much worse. He isn't paralyzed and should suffer no permanent damage, but, he might have to retire from BJJ. He is almost certainly retired from Judo. Scary.
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